Introducing James Harvey, Jr.

James E. Harvey Jr. was a lifelong resident of the city of Youngstown, growing up on the Sharon line section of the city. James graduated from North High School in 1968 and immediately enrolled at Youngstown State University where he enrolled in the electrical engineering program. During this time black students at Youngstown State often received very little support and often struggled in their academic pursuits, especially in programs like engineering. Although James did not finish the engineering program at this time, he did become active on campus, becoming a member of several civic and social organizations. James’s most important organizational membership at this time was his initiation into the BETA PI chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. Throughout his life he remained active with the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity at the alumni and other levels. James secured his lifetime membership in the fraternity at an early age.

Although James left school, married, raised a family, (fathering three children) and pursued a career in the steel industry he never gave up his dream to complete his degree in electrical engineering. Thus in 2007 James returned to Youngstown State University and completed his degree in electrical engineering. As a result of his referenced struggles and triumphs James became an advocate for students who need additional support to realize their potential and achieve academic, civic, and social success. He participated in numerous mentoring programs that targeted students like those referenced above.

James Harvey died in May 2020, a victim of the corona virus. In his memory and in his honor the Youngstown Alumni chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity voted to establish the James E. Harvey II scholarship. This introductory letter and accompanying scholarship application are being sent to your school system because we would like you to recommend no more than three students for this scholarship. The scholarship amount is 1000.00 dollars yearly for up to four years. The scholarship is not just for students who plan to attend a four- year college or university...we would welcome candidates who plan to attend a community college or other institution of higher learning.

Ben McGee, Ed.D

2023 James E. Harvey, Jr. Scholarship Awardee

Pictured left to right: Jerome Parm, Polemarch and Benjamin McGee Vice Polemarch

2021 James E. Harvey, Jr. Scholarship Awardee

Pictured  left to right: Jerome Parm, Nathan Thompson, Mrs. Barnes (mother),

Vernon Brown, Hailey Barnes (scholarship awardee),  and Willard Boyd

Our Focus

We help children, families, and communities break the cycle of poverty by empowering people of all ages to dream, aspire and achieve.


Providing educational resources, scholarships, and programming for children and youth for a brighter future, one in which they can both learn and reach their personal goals.
Greater Youngstown Kappa Scholarship Programs


Assist and provides services, programs, and resources for the Sudden Death and fatherhood programs in the greater Youngstown area.  


It takes an entire community to raise a child. Once that community is formed, anything can be achieved. 
Youngstown Ohio West Federal Street YMCA Restoration Program

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Volunteer your energy, talents and resources to bring inspiration and hope to those who need it. 

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